World Health Organization declares a global health emergency on Monday, however,
it didn't cite the Zika virus itself as the reason. The emergency, it
said, is the alarming rise in cases of microcephaly and Guillan Barre
Syndrome. At this time we have no other convincing explanation for the spike in these two conditions than the Zika virus.
But while the WHO isn't ready to pass judgment on precisely what's to blame, (it specifies only "possible association with Zika virus") by citing Guillan Barre Syndrome, a debilitating neurological disorder, it has elevated our awareness of the threat posed by it.
But while the WHO isn't ready to pass judgment on precisely what's to blame, (it specifies only "possible association with Zika virus") by citing Guillan Barre Syndrome, a debilitating neurological disorder, it has elevated our awareness of the threat posed by it.
GBS, an autoimmune disease, puts everyone,
potentially, at risk - males and females, pregnant or not, and there's
nothing we can do to make sure any particular case of Zika infection
doesn't turn into GBS.
Thousands of
babies born with malformed heads have deservedly captured media
attention, but the less-mentioned GBS poses a unique challenge that is
magnified in the developing world, where lack of access to medical
treatments that can make a difference will likely prove lethal.
GBS hits all the criteria for a modern medical odyssey: It is mysterious in origin, requires some detective work, it carries the risk
of death, it requires prolonged intensive care, it strains families, it
can ruin finances, and in some cases it leads to lasting loss of
function -- paralysis.
and treating GBS demands a high degree of medical expertise backed up
by the full spectrum of services available in the modern health care
system. Even in the United States, GBS is one of the more dramatic and
systemically taxing conditions we treat.
treat GBS at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, a specialty
neurorehabilitation hospital. While GBS is normally rare -- affecting
less than 2 people per 100,000 in any given year in the United States --
a variety of insults to the body can kick it off, including a number of
studies of the bacteria campylobacter jejuni, a frequent culprit in
food poisoning that can also cause GBS, we know that the antibodies our
immune systems generate to fight off this bug sometimes go on to attack
the cell surfaces of our own peripheral nerves, damaging them to the
point they can stop working. That causes paralysis, sensory loss and
will often come into my care completely paralyzed from GBS, as if they
had a high cervical spinal cord injury, but in the moment it can seem
even worse, as GBS can paralyze the facial muscles as well, limiting
communication. They sometimes require a ventilator, and may need one for
such prolonged periods that we will outfit them with portable
ventilators that we attach to electric wheelchairs.
medical regimen is advanced. Getting the right diagnosis to distinguish
GBS from other causes of paralysis requires that we study cerebrospinal
fluid obtained via spinal tap, as well as the results of electrical
muscle and nerve tests.
calls for intravenous immunoglobulin, a product distilled from
thousands of individual blood donations, or plasma exchange, which
requires placing a large catheter in the neck or groin to retrieve the
blood that we filter through a plasmapheresis machine to remove
antibodies and other factors causing immune inflammation. Patients
undergo the process every other day for 10 days. These are expensive
treatments. Some patients need both.
time and cost of treatment is a stretch even in the U.S. medical
system. GBS cases stand out for their intensive use of resources, like a
month of ICU care.
may require hospital-based rehabilitation for two months, followed by
many months of outpatient rehabilitation. It's not so simple to get up
once you've got GBS, even as your strength comes back, your blood
pressure may suddenly crash.
usually takes over six months, with most people walking by that point.
About 10% of people will suffer a lasting disability even after they've
the scenario in the United States. In many South American countries,
where GBS rates appear to be rising, the kinds of resources I've
described aren't available. GBS will be much more deadly, and more
people there will suffer long term disabilities.
this week I joined Alberto Zambrano on a BBC radio program focusing on
Zika. He's a physician based in Caracas, Venezuela's capital city, and
teaches public health at the Central University of Venezuela. Zambrano made the GBS threat quite clear:
lack the IVIG, the plasmapheresis machines and the laboratory re-agents
for us to properly tackle this as well as the infrastructure. ... And
this illness affects mostly in rural areas and in growing urban areas.
We would need a lot of help in order for us to properly tackle this
epidemic, particularly in Venezuela."
WHO has put a spotlight on the need for thorough research into the link
between Zika and diseases like microcephaly and GBS, the need for
thorough mosquito control programs and related education campaigns, as
well as the need for better diagnostics.
It will help coordinate research efforts and the efforts mounted by individual national public
health agencies. But GBS and microcephaly are already straining
threadbare health systems throughout Latin America.
is a slow-moving disaster spread across a vast geography. It's unlike
earthquakes and tsunamis; the world is better accustomed to responding
to those kinds of disasters in coordinated humanitarian relief
What's WHO's next priority? Coordinating global philanthropies and developed
nations in mounting an international humanitarian relief campaign
piggybacking on existing health systems.
We must shore up key medical and rehabilitative services in the affected nations now.
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