Friday, February 12, 2016

Man has Been Saving His Pennies Since The 70s. You Won't Believe What The Bank Tells Him...

The phrase ‘Find a penny, pick it up, then all day long you’ll have good luck!’ has never proven more true than in this story. For 73 years, Otha Anders picked up pennies whenever he saw them on the street.

He said that he made a habit of picking up and saving his pennies since the mid-70s. ‘I became convinced that spotting a lost or dropped penny was an additional God-given incentive to remind me to always be thankful.'

Over the years, Anders collected enough pennies to fill 15 large five-gallon water jugs. However, he was recently forced to cash them in after he found out that his homeowners insurance policy wouldn’t cover his precious coins. With no other option, Anderson took the collection to the bank, where they used a coin-counting machine to find out just how much money he had collected in each jug.

Turns out that the first bottle had a grand total of $341. Once all of the bottles were tallied, he was told he had $5,136.14! He immediately deposited the money into his bank account, and paid off a dental bill.

Bank Vice President Jennie Cole said it wasn’t a typical day at the bank when Anders had his collection of pennies rolled in on a dolly, but he is a longtime customer who they really wanted to help.
‘We value his business, as we do all of our customers’ she said. ‘But if we can help Anders with his endeavors, we are happy to do so.'
Did the final tally surprise you? Save a Penny Today..

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