Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Life cycle of Motion Graphics/Material Design and It’s Properties

Material design is alive and it leaves in a world a lot like ours, a world that is responsive, natural, aware and intentional.
It consists of the following properties:
1.       1.  Material design is responsive animation to create energy. When you take an action feedback is immediately and it never keeps you waiting.
2.       2.   Motion adapts to distance, no need to travel. Focusing on how far something needs to move rather than how long it should take to get there.
3.       3.   Motion should feel natural moving the way things do in the real world.. Nothing should instantly start up somehow. Elements and motion have momentum the time to speed up or to slow down. A respond for gravity moving in curved path instead of a straight lines.
4.      4.    Materials are also aware the world around it, the way something enters the screen can affect the movement of everything else. Elements can push other element out of the way or attract them. Furthermore there is a purpose behind every animation, Motion guides you and keeps you focus and makes sure you don’t get lost and also it has something that might react even before it’s compressed. 

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